Bircham International University Graduation
Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Doctor Ph.D. Degree online via distance learning.
2012 Russia Saint Petersburg Graduation
Year 2012 Russia Saint Petersburg Graduation from Bircham International University for Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Doctor Ph.D. Degree online via distance learning.
"No matter what technology supports the education process, learning occurs only as a result of the active processing by our biological brain." William Martin, BIUCEO.
Location: Russia - Saint Petersburg
Year: 2012
4th World Scientific Congress in Saint Petersburg
Master of Ceremony: Prof. Dr. Shanti Pushpa Jayasekara
Special Guests:
Prof. Dr. William Martin, BIU CEO
Iryna Panchenko, BIU Russia Delegation
Andrey Nikolaevich Iezuitov, Philosopher and Scientist
Sherkhan Abdievich Abilov, Journalist and russian actor
Valeri Nikitin, General of the Cossacks
Valeryi Ivanovich Kasatkin, Deputy of the Russian Medical Program
Vasily Petrovich Pestryak-Golovaty, Vice Marshal of St. Petersburg Assembly of Nobility
Viktor Vitalyevich Lukoyanov, Scientist Grand Ph.D.
Vladika Anton Korbat, Patriarch of Saint Petesbourg
Vladika Ioann Abramenko, Archbishop of St. Petersburg
Vladimir Viktorovich Tonkov, President of Institute of Biosensory Psychology
"A good education should teach HOW to think, rather than WHAT to think." Deric Bircham, BIU President.
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2012 Russia Saint Petersburg Graduation
Bircham International University Graduation