Bircham International University Graduation
Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Doctor Ph.D. Degree Online via distance learning.
Ian Ross
Doctor of Philosophy - International Law
"Sometimes a big change in life is the result of decisions that seem insignificant when we take them." William Martin, BIU CEO.
Ian Ross (Spain)
Doctor Ph.D. in International Law - Criminology - Completed (2023)
Opinion about Bircham International University: I am pleased to share news that I have been appointed to the 'Expert Panel' of the Office of the Inspector of Prisons. Ireland. This is a government level position. The Irish government sought an expert in International Law and human rights to moitnor and assess levels of complaince with human rights laws and International and EU law in the Ireland prison system. I share this with you to say that my Ph.D. with Bircham International University is of great value, but also because it is likely will I produce more publications later which I am happy so share with BIU.
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The best distance learning university alternative to campus-based higher education.
Ian Ross
Bircham International University Graduation