International Relevance & Reputation.
Bircham International University
IEEE PES - Power & Energy Society
The Power & Energy Society is the leading provider of scientific and engineering information on electric power and energy for the betterment of society.
The Power & Energy Society is the leading provider of scientific and engineering information on electric power and energy for the betterment of society.
The Power & Energy Society provides the world's largest forum for sharing the latest in technological developments in the electric and power industry, for developing standards that guide the development and construction of equipment and systems, and for educating members of the industry.
Members of the Power & Energy Society are leaders in the field of energy science and engineering. It is part of the IEEE consortium, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
In 2021, William Martin was admitted as member of IEEE Power & Energy Society on behalf of Bircham International University. BIU graduates in the fields of electricity, energy science and engineering are encouraged to become members of the Power & Energy Society and benefit from its resources and networking.
IEEE PES - Power & Energy Society
Reference - Faculty Member. Year: 2021... Today.
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IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
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IEEE PES - Power & Energy Society
& Bircham International University.