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Bircham International University
IPSA - International Political Science Association
The IPSA, International Political Science Association, was founded in Paris in 1949 under the aegis of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
The IPSA, International Political Science Association, was founded in Paris in 1949 under the aegis of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
The special mandate of IPSA is to support the development of political science in all parts of the world, building academic networks linking East and West, North and South. Its aim is to create an inclusive and global political science community in which all can participate. It seeks to promote collaboration between scholars in emerging and established democracies and to support the academic freedoms needed for the social sciences to flourish.
IPSA has maintained its links with the United Nations and has supported the development of other international and regional political science organizations. IPSA publications, including the lead journal International Political Science Review, the International Political Science Abstracts, and World Political Science among others seek to meet the needs of political scientists in different parts of the world.
The IPSA, International Political Science Association, aims ‘to support the academic freedoms needed for the social sciences to flourish’. IPSA was founded under the auspices of UNESCO, and it further endorses the UNESCO ‘Recommendations on the status of higher education’. These ‘Recommendations’ cover universities and colleges, and also research institutions.
IPSA's Institutional membership is open to international or national organizations, faculty or institutions pursuing objectives compatible with those of IPSA in related fields of activity.
In the year 2020, Bircham International University was granted institutional membership by the IPSA, International Political Science Association.
IPSA - International Political Science Association
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IPSA - International Political Science Association
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