Education Quality & Accreditation.
Bircham International University
OMMA - Organización Mundial de Medicinas Alternativas
The OMMA, Organización Mundial de Medicinas Alternativas, (World Organization of Alternatives Medicines) was and old and traditional entity that intended to coordinate and support alternative medicines in Spanish speaking countries. It was founded in Spain, in the year 1991.
The OMMA, Organización Mundial de Medicinas Alternativas, (World Organization of Alternatives Medicines) was and old and traditional entity that intended to coordinate and support alternative medicines in Spanish speaking countries. It was founded in Spain, in the year 1991.
The OMMA, Organización Mundial de Medicinas Alternativas, (World Organization of Alternatives Medicines) organized several world congress to support the professionalization of natural health sciences and alternative medicines. OMMA had representatives in most Spanish speaking countries and some others where alternative medicine were particularly accepted and professionalized.
In 2003, the OMMA, Organización Mundial de Medicinas Alternativas, (World Organization of Alternatives Medicines) started the assessment of the programs from the Faculty of Natural Health Sciences of Bircham International University, and contributed to their development in Spanish. In 2006, the OMMA presented to the board the consideration of accrediting Bircham International University for its academic and ethical support to the professionals practicing alternative medicines.
Dr. Juan Hervella, president and founder of the OMMA - Organización Mundial de Medicinas Alternativas, died in 2007 without completing the formal administrative process of BIU accreditation. The Secretary of the OMMA, Roberto Martin Aranda, completed the review of BIU with the support of other members of the OMMA. In 2009, BIU was officially notified about the accreditation status earned in 2007.
The initiative carried out by the OMMA for so many years was later merged to the Council of Professional Holistic Therapists (CPTHO - Consejo Professional de Terapeutas Holísticos). CPTHO shares a similar mission to the former OMMA, promoting the ethical and professional practice in the fields of natural health, psychotherapies and energy medicines. Bircham International University is also a recognized member of the CPTHO - Consejo Professional de Terapeutas Holísticos.
OMMA - Organización Mundial de Medicinas Alternativas
Reference - Accredited. Year: 2006... 2009.
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OMMA - Organización Mundial de Medicinas Alternativas
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